Peace is achieved only through understanding.

James Corbett

Make it stand out.

  • Project Refit

    Project Refit was founded to help combat isolation among the veteran and first responder communities. We believe creating rally points to meet at and host events around will help change the landscape of how we combat suicide.

  • IMPaCT Intell

    IMPaCT Intell is a tool that was built to help law enforcement communicate faster and more organized. Think Slack or Discord, but for law enforcement.

  • Writing/NFT/Public Speaking

    Good Mental Health is important to me since I sometimes struggle with poor mental health due to my trauma, ADHD, and dyslexia. No, this doesn’t stop me from doing absolutely badass shit. Poor mental health can make me feel like I am not capable sometimes. But, I snap out of it, of course, through forgiveness and patience. I am giving speeches to high school students and groups - hire me. Also, I am working on an NFT project to be launched by the end of 2022. Keep an eye out for it.

Stripper Clip Guide Keychain Bottle Opener

These tools of war are now key chains to strip a new tool…your bottle caps. And just in case you need to quickly load a magazine, you have it on your keychain!

Each purchase helps combat isolation among veterans and first responders through Project Refit.


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